Chevrolet Flexpedition
A tour of GM's Future
Technology and Sustainability
The Chevrolet Flexpedition 2010 was an innovative expedition that traversed the cities of Gravataí (RS) and Rosario (Argentina), highlighting General Motors' sustainable practices. Furthermore, the expedition crossed 18 of the 26 Brazilian states along the coastal region, crossed the Equator in Macapá, and reached Oiapoque, at the French Guiana border.
The brand's first global social network
The project included the creation of the brand's first global social network via, the design of the project's visual identity, and the structuring of the customer journey from initial contact with the brand to sustainability-focused activities.
Participants had the opportunity to learn in detail about the water treatment, composting, and waste recycling processes at GM units. This pioneering project not only celebrated GM's 85th anniversary in Brazil but also reinforced the company's commitment to sustainable development and innovation in environmental practices.
The Flexpedition was a significant milestone, challenging the team to lead an expedition through GM's factories in Latin America, promoting knowledge exchange and strengthening environmental practices. The success of this initiative demonstrated GM's capability to lead major sustainable projects, standing out as a global reference in automotive sector sustainability.
Throughout the journey, the Flexpedition showcased GM's pioneering initiatives in sustainability, such as efficient use of natural resources and responsible waste management. The expedition was widely recognized for its positive impact, solidifying GM's image as a company committed to environmental preservation and continuous innovation.